To The One. Take Three.

To the one. Take three.

Last time I wrote the big things I want you to do, and gave you a general idea of what I’m expecting from you, but even if you manage to get all that done, the small things will still be what matters most, And so I will tell you too, what are those.

I want you to know and love every detail about me, either about my looks or personality, talk about me and say:”I love her eyes, even when she cries, I love all her smiles, how horribly she lies, and how so innocent she can be at times.”

“I love how tall she is, the color of her skin and of course her cute dimples, add to that, how beautiful with no make up she still looks, with those naturally pink cheeks and lips of hers.”

“It’s sweet how she loves chocolates, and believes they can make her better always, how childish she can get sometimes, and how silly and superstitious she is.”

“It’s amazing how she can be all cute and sweet, and then suddenly starts to scream and shout, just like any guy, watching the World Cup”

“I love how she looks at the world, how she sees life, believes always things are going to be alright, not so practical, but definitely so beautiful.”

“I love how kind she can be, how cute she is, even when she’s angry, the way she sees everyone, not just good, maybe even better than they realise they really are.”

“I just love everything about her, and what others may name flaws, to me are absolute perfections. ”

So dear one, I want you to see this in me and more, I want you to see what no one else has seen before, the small details, what matters most. When those small details you see, when this sense of perfection in them you feel, when flaws are just complementary, when love you have unconditionally, then you really are the one and I have found you finally, and to witness that moment is what I’m waiting for eagerly.

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