No Reason, No Excuse

I could swear that no female has not ever been sexually harassed, starting from an inappropriate look to rape and all the things in between.
And I never understood the mentality of a harasser. Why does he do it? What does he get after doing it?

Some say they do it due to sexual oppression. So when he talks inappropriately to a stranger, he gets sexual satisfaction? When he touches a stranger, he gets sexual satisfaction? And when he rapes a stranger and has sex with her against her will, he gets sexual satisfaction? Really? What kind of person gets satisfied by a word or a touch or even sex with someone who doesn’t want them? I can only think of one, a sick person. If you really want to have sex, go get yourself a prostitute and she will willingly fulfil all your needs. But that’s not really the case is it?

What makes this assumption worse is that they blame the girl after all. She’s not dressing appropriately, so she provokes him to do this. Why? Because men are animals and they can not control their sexual instincts, and once they get their sexual urges they have to do it on the spot, in the street, with any female out there? Fine then, don’t blame us next time we call them animals. But you know what, that is not even a reason. Because I’ve seen preservative women, including myself, get harassed and so I’m sure it’s not the way we dress, it’s most probably the fact that we are females.

Others say, and I might agree with them a little, that it’s because those males (notice I didn’t say men because they’re not) want to feel dominant and in control, they want to feel superior and prove that they can roam the streets freely and do whatever they want while women have to think twice before walking in the streets. But then again, why do you have to hurt me to feel dominant? This actually makes you weak because your only way to feel superior and dominant is by hurting me because you are physically stronger and that’s all what you have over me.

You know what screw those sick bastards, I don’t care what they think, because all I know is they are sick and there is no way they could be thinking straight. There is no reason nor there is any excuse for what they do. So stop making theories and finding explanations for the sick behaviour of those assholes. And please stop blaming us girls for it, because we are tired of this inexplicable madness we have to go through everyday.

Any woman has the right to walk the streets safely anytime, dressed in whatever she wants, and even if she was naked, no one has the right to come near her and punish her for that. No man has been attacked for dressing inappropriately or for walking late at night. A man can walk naked at midnight and totally feel safe and this is exactly how it should be for women too. I don’t have to feel grateful that the guy just touched me and didn’t rape me, nor do I have to feel scared walking at night or hold my breath riding a bus because I know a couple of random sick people are going to touch me ‘unintentionally’ and I can’t say anything about it. I know I’m one of the lucky people that nothing so serious or traumatic has ever happened to them, but why should that even be lucky?

Bottom line is, women do not have to pay for the oppression, confidence issues or whatever issues these sick people may have; it’s not our problem. We definitely shouldn’t go through all this just because we were born females, we shouldn’t feel sorry about it or reach the point where some say that parents should apologise to their daughters just for being born females.

If the reason we have to pay everyday, is because we were born females; if this is our mistake, then of it we shall not be ashamed. And if our silence is what made you think we believe we are wrong, if it falsely made you believe you’re strong, then from today on our breaths we won’t hold, and we will fight back, for you are cowards and are not brave enough to handle the fact that there is no reason or excuse for what you do, and it is only yourselves to whom the blame should go.